CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Week1: 1 1/2 Deadlift (5×3)
Pull off floor to hip, lower to knee and then back up to hip.
this is week one of this cycle. We will be visiting many different variations of deadlifting in an effort to strenghen your overall lift.
Perform these at 50% of your 1RM
Week1: Deadlift (5×3)
Perform these at the same weight as your 1 1/2 deads.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
16 Min AMRAP
5 Cal Row
2 Burpees Over Bar
2 Deadlifts (225/155)
**Add 1 calorie, 2 burpees and 2 deads to each round.
RX+: 1 Rope climb after each set of deadlifts.
Your coach will spend a little time going over rope climbs. EVERYONE pay attention. Not just the people planning to do RX+.