CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
KB Arm Bars (No Measure)
3 RDS of 10 Per arm
Down side up KB Press (3×10/arm)
Alternate between these and the KB arm bars.
DxKB Baseline (Time)
5 DxKB Clean
3 DxKB Press
5 DxKB Russian Swing
200m Farmer Carry
**The clean is performed without a squat, and from the hang position.**
Your coach will help you determine what weight to use. This will be one of our basline test wods, so please also note your KB weight in the comments for future referance for yourself.
Metcon (Time)
45 north at home:
4 RDS For Time:
25 Sit ups
25 Lunges
50 Air squats
200m Farmer carry odd object