CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Pullovers and Hamstrings (No Measure)
3 sets
A1. 10 PVC Pipe Pulldowns (laying down)
A2. 10 Hamstring curls with bands
Midline (No Measure)
Accumulate 2 minutes in deadlift hold with 225/155
For Body weight people – stand with two kbs for 2 minutes
Metcon (Weight)
THESE ARE LINKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sets 1 – 4:
25 Double Unders + 3 Deficit Deadlifts
rest 2 minutes
Increase weight
Sets 5-8:
25 Double Unders + 2 Deficit Deadlifts
rest 2 mintues
Increase Weight
Sets: 9 to 12
25 Double Unders + 1 Deadlift
These Deadlifts should be on the heavier side – can do 65% of 1RM as a guide to start
Body Weight Burn
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20 Min AMRAP
400 meter row
10 Burpees over the rower
40 Double Unders