


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit


A1: Tempo Bench Press (4 sets x 6 reps at 65%)

At tempo: 51X1

A2: Push-ups (immediately after bench press max reps)

A3: Eccentric Chest to Bar (4 sets x 5 reps @51X1 )

jump up as high as possible and slowly lower down

could use a very light band to accomplish this as well to scale (or ask coach for other scaling options. indicate in notes which you did

weight to record is 0


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In 2 minutes complete:

10 Pushups

20 Airsquats

rest remainder of time.

repeat x 4

2 min rest

in 2 Minutes Complete:

7 Double Pushup Burpees

16 Pistols Alternating

rest remainder of time.

repeat x 4

2 min rest

10/7 Ring Dips

20 Airsquats

rest remainder of time

repeat x 4

RX+: must MU to do ring dips

Post wod Mobility

Rainbow in doorway

Roll legs