CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Midline (No Measure)
Hollow holds
Flutter Kicks
16 total rounds alternating tabata
A1: Shoulder Press (4 sets x 6 reps @13X2 at 65%)
1 second lower down
3 second hold at the shoulder
Explode up
Hold bar overhead 2 seconds
A2: Pull-ups (4 sets x 5 strict Pullups @1113)
1 second lower down
1 second at extension
3 second hold chin over bar
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 13 min
15/12 Cal Row
20 Renegade Rows 50/35
15/12 Cal Row
20 Alternating Dumbbell Floor Press
Alternating DB Floor press: 2 dumbbells – one dumbbell stays pressed out while the other dumbbell is lowered down so that the tricep touches the floor and then vice versa.
Cash out: Tricep pulldowns