“Better Than I Deserve” this Saturday 8 am – come show your support for our Everyday Warrior, Stephen!
This will replace the 7 am Class WOD
CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
A: Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (3 x 5 @ 65% of shoulder press)
Keep same hand position on the bar as front rack
B1: Shoulder Press (3 x 6 @ 70% )
B2: False Grip Pullups (3 x 5 )
Scale by sitting on the floor
C: Push Jerk ( 5 x 15 @ 45% rest 30 seconds between sets)
BWB Cardio
Ski Erg: 200 meters x 5 rest as needed
100 meters x 5 rest as needed
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Get as Far as possible in 12 min:
8 Burpees
2 to 20 HSPU (increase by 2 reps each round)
2 Rope Climb
Rd 1:
8 Burpees, 2 HSPU, 2 RC
Rd 2:
8 Burpees, 4 HSPU, 2 RC
12 Burpees
HSPU must be deficit
2 Legless
Cash out: 50 band lat pulldowns per arm