


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit


After BP Shoulders, you will do A1-A2-A3 four times through (If you have strict MU do those instead of pullups)

Ben’s Bullet Proof Shoulders (No Measure)

1. 20 per side Side Plank with reverse fly

2. 3 to 4 reps per side for 15 seconds – Modified Pushup Y hold

3. 15 Scapular Retraction Pushups

4. 20-25 T’s on box with overload on every 5th rep

5. 20 – 25 W’s (pinkies) on box with overload on every 5th rep

6. 15- 30 Cuff Isolations each arm

A1: Handstand Hold (No Measure)

30 second hold
(this will be 4 times)

A2: False Grip Pullups (4 sets x 5 reps @1113)

Scale by sitting on the floor

A2: Strict Muscle Up (4 sets x 2 reps)

Strict MU body weight or with weight added

A3: Handstand Push-ups (4 sets x 5 reps)

these are strict

scale with 2 wall walks or 3 kick up attempts


Post wod Mobility



Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time of:

30 pull-ups

400-meter run

RX+: First 15 of each round are chest to bar

Time Cap: 12 minutes