Battle Series 2017 WOD 1


Battle Series 2017 WOD 1

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Everyday Warrior WOD 4 2014 (AMRAP – Reps)

15 Minute AMRAP


60 Calorie Row

50 Burpees Over the Bar

30 Ground to Overhead 95/65

10 Chest to Bar


60 Calorie Row

50 Burpees Over the Bar

30 Ground to Overhead 75/45

10 Jumping Chest to Bar


60 Calorie Row

50 Burpees Over the Bar

30 Ground to Overhead 75/45

10 Jumping Chest to Bar


Row-Damper can be set on any setting. The athlete cannot get off the rower until you hit 60 calories.

Burpees over the Bar- The athlete must jump with two feet over the bar and land with feet first. The athlete does NOT need to open hips when jumping over the bar.

The athlete will land horizontal to the barbell.

Ground to Overhead: The barbell will move from the ground (or below the needs if the barbell is not loaded) to overhead with the hips, knees and shoulders extended directly over the body. You may use a clean and jerk or snatch.

Chest to Bar: Kipping, butterfly or dead hang chest to bar are all allowed. The athlete’s arms must be extended at the bottom and the chest must make contact with the bar at the top.

Jumping Chest to Bar: The pull up bar should be setup so it is at least 8 inches above the top of the athletes head. The athlete must lower himself or herself so the arms are fully extended at the bottom and the chest must clearly come in contact with the bar at the top.