


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Week1: Reverse Tabata Holds (16x)

10 seconds work; 20 seconds rest.

You will do 8 rounds holding chin over bar. You may use the band for assistance.

You will do another 8 rounds of reverse Tabata in static hang.
Immedietly after, spend 10 minutes drilling Pull up, C2B, MU. Coaches choice, formulate for athletes in class. Give each athlete a progression to work on for 5 mins each.

Metcon (Time)

10 RFT

200m Run

15 OH Lunges (75/55)

10 KBS (72/55)

5 C2B

300m Row


Add 2 Ring or Bar MU at the end of each round.
Coaches, allow at least 20-30 mins for completion.

Metcon (Time)

45 North at Home:

10 RFT

200m Run

15 weighted Overhead lunges

10 Odd object Russian KBS

5 Bent over row w/odd object