


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Barbell Upright Row (3×8 Empty barbell. As part of general warm up. )

Seated Altnerating Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3×8)

Shoulder press 1 arm at a time – alternating
As part of general warm up. Alternate with upright rows.

45 North S2OH CF Total (Weight)

Lift 1:

Find max push press from rack.

Lift 2:

Find max push jerk from rack.

Lift 3:

Find max split jerk from rack.
Score is combined final weight of all three movements.

Have fun!

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

45 North at home:

3x at each station; 1 minute rest between stations.

1 min max odd object push press

1 min max odd object row

1 min max push ups