CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Week3: Push Press + Push Jerk (4 sets)
Set 1) 3 Push Press+1 Push Jerk
Set 2) 3 Push Press+2 Push Jerks
Set 3) 3 Push Press+3 Push Jerks
Set 4) 3 Push Press+ Max P. Jerks
This is for those with a garage gym. Increase from last week. Record final set only of max reps.
Metcon (Time)
Home Gym WOD:
100 Weighted step ups for time. (24/20) inch box.
**Hold ONE object weighing 50lbs for men/35lbs for women.
****EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE perform 5 Burpees. Including the first minute****
So, 3,2,1,go = 5 Burpees
You could also do this with a weight vest instead. Find something safe to step up on!
No equipment accessory work (2x 3 mins)
Accumulate 3 minutes in a plank hold.
Rest as long as it took you, then repeat for another 3 minute accumulation.
Metcon (Time)
100 Step ups
***EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE perform 5 burpees*** Wod starts with burpees.
Find anything safe to step up onto.