


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Reverse Tabata Holds (16x)

10 seconds work; 20 seconds rest.

You will do 8 rounds holding chin over bar. You may use the band for assistance.

You will do another 8 rounds of reverse Tabata in static hang.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

For Total reps:

1:00min max T2B

*Rest 30 seconds*

2:00mins max Air Squats

*Rest 30 seconds*

3:00min max Pull Ups

*Rest 30 seconds*

4:00min max Burpees

***Rest 3 minutes, then complete in reverse***


4:00min max Burpees

*Rest 30 seconds*

3:00min max Pull Ups


Today is a perfect time to work on these movements on the rig. Or if you are profecient at them maybe add weight to the pull ups, or strict. Also strict T2B as an added challenge.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

45 North at Home:

Same as above but sub in Reverse crunches for toes to bar, and bent over rows for all ups. 🙂