CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
this workout is designed to be done before the shoulder to OH work in prep – pick a weight that is challenging yet productive for you to get warm, break a sweat and be ready to have good position for the lifting.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
16 Min
MIN 1: Turkish Get Ups
Min 2: KB Windmills
Min 3: Turkish Get ups opposite arm
Min 4: Russian Swings
Use three different weights if need be (russian swings can be heavy, Windmills light and TGU medium load)
A: Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (3 x 7 @ 65% of shoulder press)
Keep same hand position on the bar as front rack
B: Shoulder Press (3 x 3 @ 80% )
C: Push Jerk ( 3 x 15 @ 50% of PJ; rest 30 seconds between sets)
BWB Cardio
Ski Erg: 200 meters x 5 rest as needed
100 meters x 5 rest as needed