CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Row – 30 second repeats (cals) (5 Rounds for calories)
Row 30 seconds, rest 1 minute; repeat x 5 for calories
Every 2 min on the 2 min for 20 minutes
(10 sets)
Sets 1 to 5 hang snatch – 2 reps linked building
Sets 6 to 10 – 2 reps not linked full snatch
Hang Snatch (5 sets x 2 reps linked )
record heaviest load and the number of sets you did it
Snatch (5 sets x 1,1 (2 reps not linked)
Power Snatch Cycling (6 Rounds for reps)
6 sets
Work for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds:
Max Unbroken Power Snatches – pick a load you can work without dropping the bar; this is mental grit and forearm grip work
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