


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Paused Front Squat (1 x 2 15 second hold in the bottom)

Front Squat (5 sets build to heavy single )

Shoulder Press (4 sets x 6 reps @ 65% @ 51X1)

BWB Cardio


10 Cals AFAP

rest 1 min

15 Cals AFAP

rest 1 min

20 Cals AFAP

rest 2 min



Metcon (Time)

All barbell work should be unbroken

10 Push Jerks @ 45% of Push Press

res 30 seconds

10 Chest To bar PU

rest 30 second

10 Thrusters

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest to Bar PU

rest 30 seconds

10 PUsh Jerks

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest to Bar PU

rest 30 seconds

10 Thrusters

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest to Bar PU

Body Weight Burn

Metcon (Time)

10 PUshups

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest To bar PU or 20 Jumping Pullups

rest 30 second

20 Jumping Air squats

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest To bar PU or 20 Jumping Pullups

rest 30 seconds

10 PUshups

res 30 seconds

10 Chest To bar PU or 20 Jumping Pullups

rest 30 seconds

20 Jumping Air squats

rest 30 seconds

10 Chest To bar PU or 20 Jumping Pullups