


CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit


Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)

start at 65% and build to heavy 3; calculate the percentage of your 1RM in comments

Back Squat (1 x 20 at 45% of today’s load unbroken afap)

record time in comments


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2 Minutes of Max Alternating Pistols

30 second transition

1 min Tailpile Wall sits (35/25lbs kb each arm)

30 Second Transition

3 Minutes Right arm OH Lunge (1.5/1)

30 second transition

1 min Tailpile Wall sits

30 Second transition

3 Minutes Left Arm OH Lunge

30 second transition

1 Min Tailpipe Wall Sit

30 Second Transition

4 Minutes of Alternating Turkish Getups

30 Second Transition

1 min Tailpipe Wall Sit

Post wod Mobility

Doorway stretch

Roll Shoulders will lacrosse ball