45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jun 16


45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jun 16


Nutrition seminar part 2! Saturday 6/24 after class. Bring food or $15 to participate. Let Coach Jaime know what option you are doing

Everyday Warrior Warriorthon July 1-2. 26 hour race. A warrior is honored every hour by participants running 1 mile on the hour.

CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club

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Primary Lift

Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch (Weight)

Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch from above the knee
1+2 @ 60, 65, 70, 75% of 1RM

Hang Snatch Pull (Weight)

Below Knee

85%x5 90%x4 95%3×3

Accessory Work

Pause Backsquat (5 reps @ 70% and 75% 2 sec pause)

Jumping Backsquats (3×8-12 w light barbell)

Stay above parallel

Weighted Plank (3x30s)

30 second weighted plank

Banded Tricep Extension (120 reps)

Using a band and a PVC perform tricep extensions

Face Pulls (120 reps)

Using a band pull it towards your face