CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Ben’s Bullet Proof Shoulders (No Measure)
1. 20 per side Side Plank with reverse fly
2. 3 to 4 reps per side for 15 seconds – Modified Pushup Y hold
3. 15 Scapular Retraction Pushups
4. 20-25 T’s on box with overload on every 5th rep
5. 20 – 25 W’s (pinkies) on box with overload on every 5th rep
6. 15- 30 Cuff Isolations each arm
this is the metcon for today
Within 30 min complete 10 sets of the power clean and ring dip pair. Move up in weight on the power clean every set. The goal is to go unbroken on every set of Power cleans.
A1: Power Clean (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
record each weight in the comments- if you PR any of the sets – add a performance and record it separately
A2: Ring Dips (Max Reps)
these are strict
Body Weight Burn
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20 min AMRAP
Run Door to Door
15 Med Ball Cleans
15 Pushups