CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Front Squat (rep scheme below)
Front Squats
8 (70%) @22X1
5 (80%) @22X1
3 (90%) @22X1
20 (50%) AFAP
3 (90%)
5 (80%)
8 (70%)
pause right above parallel – front half of the wave only
30 Second plank on elbows every other set
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 13 minutes
Run 2 laps
10 Air Squat Box jump Combos
100 Foot Walking Lunges
airsquat box jump combo = air squat, box jump, airsquat on top of box, jump back down
Post wod Mobility
Couch stretch
pigeon on a box