CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
7 Way Hips (No Measure)
15 reps of each movement on 1 leg then repeat for the other leg:
All movements are laying on your side on the floor. Ensure your lower back is not moving – shorten the movement if you have to
1. Leg Lifts
2. Forward leg swing
3. Backward leg swing
4. Full leg swing (forward to back)
5. Forward circles
6. Backward circles
7. Bicycles
A1: Hip Extensions (No Measure)
3 x 10
A2: Single Leg Landmine Deadlift (3 x 10 per leg)
(combine 5 single same leg bounding jumps right after before starting on second leg)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
30 Sandbag Backsquats – 40 lb
400 m Sandbag Run
The run counts as 4 reps – if you leave with only a few min remaining cut the run down and count a smaller number of reps
Body Weight Burn
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
24 min AMRAP
50 Airsquats
800 m run
800 m run is 8 reps see comment above about what to do near the end