CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Ben’s Bullet Proof Shoulders (No Measure)
1. 20 per side Side Plank with reverse fly
2. 3 to 4 reps per side for 15 seconds – Modified Pushup Y hold
3. 15 Scapular Retraction Pushups
4. 20-25 T’s on box with overload on every 5th rep
5. 20 – 25 W’s (pinkies) on box with overload on every 5th rep
6. 15- 30 Cuff Isolations each arm
Metcon (Time)
800m run
“Skinny Fran” (empty bar Fran. 45/35)
400m run
“Little Fran” (12-9-6) (95/65)
800m run
Cash out included in time:
Max strict pull ups
RX+ Chest to bar
We are going to try a little something different – if you can do a strict Pullup and you are working on your kip – you can use a band for this… but you must have a strict pu at least one time.
Post wod Mobility
Roll legs with foam roller for 5 minutes