Athlete Showcase January 2018 – Mary Kelly Rossow


Athlete Showcase January 2018 – Mary Kelly Rossow


Mary Kelly Rossow

Your Sign: Capricorn

Your favorite CrossFit movement: Anything on the rig

Your most hated CrossFit movement: Thrusters and front squats

Why do you CrossFit: It’s all an attempt to stay mentally sane

Dream location to visit: Italy

Favorite past-time: Visiting family, traveling, skiing, hiking, biking

Family (human and non-human): Husband Steve, son Aiden (14 yrs), daughter
Gemma (11 yrs), and pet guinea pig Cody

Occupation: Mom, St. Pius holiday basket program coordinator, Hope Through Health board member, school volunteer, gymnastics instructor.

Book you are reading: Not a fan, requires too much sitting

Favorite book: Peace is every step, the path of mindfulness in everyday life by
Thich Nhat Hanh, read it maybe 15 times

Diet: Huh? Ok maybe “paleo-ish” with a strong emphasis on the “ish”

Favorite meal/food: Naughty-pizza and chocolate chip cookies, nice – eggs and
sweet potatoes

Music preference: Alternative/Black Keys

Music preference during workout: Loud and angry

Do you drink a gallon of fluids a day? Probably

Favorite/Most memorable CrossFit moment: Being congratulated and hugged by
my almost-teary- eyed coach Jennie after doing last year’s crazy bar muscle up open
wod, very proud and thankful moment!

If you could be an animal, what would you be? Some kind of bird, I would want to

What do you do to relax? ROM WOD (seriously, not kidding, come talk to me,
Christine would be proud), anything outside

Favorite color: black, turquoise

High school you attended: St. Mary’s Central Catholic High School in Portland, OR

City and State of birth: Euclid, OH

Favorite/Lucky number(s): 2

Anything else you would like to share: It took me a long time to figure out that
working out wasn’t an option for me, it had to be a part of daily life. I tried gyms,
classes, dreaded videos, tri-athalon training, but nothing has brought me more joy
than crossfit. I love the challenge, I love learning new things, and most importantly I
love the people. Crossfit created a new way of life for me and I am ever so grateful!
Now I just need to get that tattoo.