CrossFit – Fri, Nov 3


CrossFit – Fri, Nov 3


Please join us Saturday November 4, 2023 for our Annual Honor Mark 5k, friends and family are welcome! T-shirts will come later this year, sign up link has been posted to our facebook members page, or ask a coach for the link! #honormark

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 Min AMRAP

Bear Crawl length of gym, down and back

Sled pull BW from fence to white line, down and back.

20/15 Cal Bike

**For the sake of running class, you may start at any movement.

RX+ 1 1/2x BW Pull

HS Walk 50ft. One length down gym.

45 North at Home (Checkmark)

18 Min AMRAP

Bear crawl 100ft

Death March w/DB’s 50ft

200m Run