CrossFit – Mon, Oct 23
Please join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month! For the month of October we will be doing one WOD a week that will allow us to see and do things from a different perspective. Thank you to Coach Jay for all of his hard work putting these workouts together. I hope we can all challenge ourselves and also have some fun with these!
Halloween Deadlift Party! Saturday 10/28!
CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Neuro Adaptive WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 Minute AMRAP
500m / 430m single-leg row
6 x EQ Strict Press (26# kbs / 18# kbs)
10 x Box Clean (75# / 55#)
10 x Tri-pod ring push-ups
50 x Single-unders (one leg)
*Athlete chooses one leg for all single leg work at the start of the WOD and cannot change it.
*Be mindful of space around the rig.
*EQ Bars use: Men = men’s bar with thin green bands; Women = training bar with red bands.
*No dropping the Cleans from the front rack. Control the weight onto the box.
*Clean bar height should be between the mid-thigh and hip for starting position.
*Try not to press with the non-working leg on the row. Post it to the side of the rower if you must.