CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3


CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Pull Apart Series (No Measure)

10 Pull Aparts

10 Reverse Pull Aparts (palms up)

10 90 Degree Pull Aparts (elbows 90 degrees – externally rotate; wrist neutral)

10 90 Degree Reverse Pull Aparts – same but palms up

10 Face Level 90 Degree Pull Aparts

10 Face Level 90 Degree Reverse Pull Aparts

10 Overhead pull aparts (spread the band lower band to shoulder)
As part of warm up

Handstand/Overhead Prep (No Measure)

3 sets of 20 second handstand holds with scapular pushup


Work on wall shuffles to the right and wall shuffles to the left

or 5 perfect wall walks
As part of warm up

Week3: Overhead Squat (3×3)

Increase from last week.

Metcon (Time)


8 OHS (95/65)

8 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

* Time cap 7 mins*

Add any unfinished reps to time.

45 North at Home (Checkmark)


8 Weighted squats

8 Step Ups