CrossFit – Tue, Apr 11


CrossFit – Tue, Apr 11


Sign up for the Everyday Warrior online Battle Series! Ask a coach for the link! WOD for a cause<3

Double Under clinic with Coach Justin! Saturday 4/22

Mobility Seminar with Doctor Ajay! Sunday 4/30

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Metcon (Checkmark)

Every 90 seconds:

1 Squat Clean

When you hit your max weight; then perform 1 deadlift Until you hit your max weight.

*So you will squat clean until failure, then move on to deadlift until failure. 1 rep every 90 seconds.
If you PR a lift, click “add performance” in Wodify and record.

45 North at home (Checkmark)

EMOTM 20 Mins:

Odd: 25 Air Squats

Even: :30 sec plank