CrossFit – Tue, Aug 8


CrossFit – Tue, Aug 8


Bring a friend for free!! August 7th-12th! Unlimited access!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Week4: Clean (6×1)

Squat clean. Increase from last week.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

With a partner, you go, I go style.

22 min AMRAP

Max Power cleans (135/95) RX+ (155/105)

*Every 2 mins, run 200m

**How it works;

Partner A will start cleans, at 2 mins on clock, partner A will go run.

At that time Partner B will start cleans, then at 4 mins on clock partner B will go run. Partner A will then start cleans. You will continue in this pattern.

*Score is total number of power cleans.

45 North at Home (Checkmark)

22 min AMRAP

Max hang power cleans with DB’s

*Every 2 mins, run 200m