

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Shoulder and Single Leg Routine (No Measure)

A1. 20 band pull aparts

A2. 20 right leg Buglarian Split Squats, no weight @3333

repeat x 2 (right leg first round, left leg second round)

B1. 15 Triple Threats (face pull, rotate, y press)

B2. 20 pistols or pistol progression – 1 leg

repeat x 2 (right leg first round, left leg second round)

pistol progression can include with weight, or on box, on med ball, heel elevated, holding on to band

Metcon (Time)

10 RFT

9 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)

6 Lateral Burpee over DB

3 DB Thrusters

**You will use a single DB. BWB is the same today, using a lighter DB**