

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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12 Days of Christmas (Time)

12 Days of Christmas

1-snatch(squat)/clean 95/65

2-burpee box jump overs 24/20

3-pull ups

4- overhead barbell lunges

5- jumping air squats

6- KB thrusters 53/35


8- med ball sit ups

9- power cleans

10- double unders

11-hollow rocks

12- front squats

12 Days of Christmas Bodyweight (Time)

Fun game as a warm up 🙂

12 Days of Christmas – bodyweight

1 strict pull up

2 hspu

3 push ups

4 lunges

5 T2B

6 squats

7 sit ups

8 pistols

9 back extensions

10 cal assault bike

11 burpees

12 ring dips