

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Pendlay Row (3×8)

Perform at 60-70% of Jerk 1RM.

Alternate with glute bridges.

Weighted Glute Bridges (3x)

3×10-15 reps

These are with a barbell.
Use the same bar as you’re using for your rows.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 Min AMRAP

12 Weighted Step Ups (24/20)

1 Lap Waiters Walk (35/25)

30 DU’s

1 Rope Climb

RX+: Legless Climb
For The step Ups and walk,

Hold either DB’s or KB’s in BOTH hands.

BWB: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 Min AMRAP

12 Weighted Step Ups

1 Lap Farmer Carry

30 Singles

:30 Sec Plank
Pick your own weight