

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Week1: Benchpress (4×5)

Perform at 65%

Eccentric Chest to Bar (4×3)

jump up as high as possible and slowly lower down

could use a very light band to accomplish this as well to scale (or ask coach for other scaling options. indicate in notes which you did

weight to record is 0
Alternate between this and bench sets.

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

In a 4 Min window:

400m Run

Max Wall Balls (20/14)

**Rest 2 Mins**

In a 4 Min window:

400m Run

Max DU’s

**Rest 2 Mins**

In a 4 Minute window:

400m Run

Max Weighted V-Ups with med ball (20/14)
Each round is scored individually.