

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Cuban Presses/Bulgarian Split Squats (No Measure)

Repeat x 2

10 Cuban Presses

10 Left Leg Bulgarian Split squats Tempo: 23X1

10 Cuban Presses

10 Right Leg Bulgarian Split squats Tempo: 23X1

Try to load the split squat with weight if you can maintain the tempo

23X1: 2 count down, 3 hold in the bottom, drive up quick, right into next rep

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In a 15 Minute window:

Min 1: 45 Secs max KB Snatch (55/35)

Min 2: 45 Secs KB Figure 8


Min 3: 45 Secs TGU


**BWB is the same today. Just choose a lighter KB**