

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

Time Cap: 35 min

5 lap run

10 cleans

5 lap run

9 cleans +10lbs

4 lap run

8 cleans + 20lbs

4 lap run

7 cleans + 30lbs and so on 10 to 1

The lap number repeats 2 times

Total increase in weight from start weight is 90/60lbs.

RX: pick you starting weight and you can be rx if you add 10 lbs as described

Body Weight Burn

Metcon (Time)

Time cap: 35 min

6 lap run

40 Wall Balls

5 lap run

35 Wall Balls

4 lap run

30 wall balls

3 lap run

25 wall balls

2 lap run

20 wall balls

1 lap run

15 wall balls