

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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20 min to complete the following work:

3 sets of A1/A2 then B

For behind the neck work the goal is to truly feel the finish position

You will do A1 – re rack the weight, rest 10 seconds then do A2.

For each Jerk – hold the receiving position for 2 seconds before recovering

A1: Push Press (3 x 2 reps @ 85% )

A2: Behind the Neck Split Jerk (3 x 2 )

Jerk but behind the neck

B: Split Jerk (4 sets x 3 reps at same weight as A)

BWB Cardio

5 sets of 30 sec HS holds or some variation

along with 80 stepups

complete in any manner, rest as needed

time cap 20 min


Metcon (Weight)

EMOM for 14 min

Odd: 6 bar facing burpees

Even: 1 Clean and Jerk at 80%

RX+ 1 Clean and Jerk at 85%

Yes this is a full clean and yes it is split jerk

Body Weight Burn

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

14 Min AMRAP

Run 1 lap

10 Burpee Med Ball Slams

10 Med Ball cleans

Burpee med ball slam – do burpee with hands on ball, jump up, pick ball up overhead and slam it down