

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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7 Way Hips (No Measure)

15 reps of each movement on 1 leg then repeat for the other leg:

All movements are laying on your side on the floor. Ensure your lower back is not moving – shorten the movement if you have to

1. Leg Lifts

2. Forward leg swing

3. Backward leg swing

4. Full leg swing (forward to back)

5. Forward circles

6. Backward circles

7. Bicycles

Midline (No Measure)

6 Rds Tabata Side Planks (3 per side before switching)

6 Rds Reverse Tabata L-Sit work 14 second rest 16 seconds


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 25 min

Each Carry and lunge will incude 1 KB at your side and 1 Dumbbell in the Front Rack Position

Door to Door Carry

Lunge 50 feet

15 Burpees

Lunge 50 feet

15 GHDs


DB: 50/35

Remember – even if not written – if you are subbing situps for GHDs, you must do 1/2 the total number of 1/4 jumping airsquats

Do not do more than 100 GHDs if you have not done them in awhile.

Lunge is 10 reps

Door to door is 1 rep