CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
A1: Bench Press (10-8-6-10-8-6+)
A2: Cuban Press (3 x 10 (only after the first 3 sets of bench))
BWB Cardio
6 sets rest as needed
10 cal airdyne immediately into 12 dumbbell floor press
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
For 16 minutes:
Partnered: one person does one couplet while the other does the opposite. Swtich after each person completes 2 rounds. Score is total number of reps
Couplet 1
2 Rds.
15 SDLHP with KB (swinging only do not have to touch the floor) 55/35
10 Pullups
Couplet 2
2 Rds
15 air squats with green band above knees (lower down to ankles for kb snatches)
10 KB Snatch (do not have to touch the floor) 55/35