
CrossFit – Tue, Jun 20


Nutrition seminar part 2! Saturday 6/24 after class. Bring food or $15 to participate. Let Coach Jaime know what option you are doing

Everyday Warrior Warriorthon July 1-2. 26 hour race. A warrior is honored every hour by participants running 1 mile on the hour.

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Week3: Deficit Deadlift (3×3)

Stay at the same weight as last week, or increase if you wish.

Week3: Deadlift (5×3)

Increase from last week.

DT (Time)

5 Rounds for time:

12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105#

9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105#

6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105#
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009
To learn more about DT click here

45 North at Home (Checkmark)


12 Odd Object deadlifts

9 Odd object hang Power Cleans

6 shoulder to overhead w/odd object