
CrossFit – Sat, Jun 17; Jay


Nutrition seminar part 2! Saturday 6/24 after class. Bring food or $15 to participate. Let Coach Jaime know what option you are doing

Everyday Warrior Warriorthon July 1-2. 26 hour race. A warrior is honored every hour by participants running 1 mile on the hour.

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Viking (Weight)

Class divides into two teams.

The Landing:

1000m row

400m Med Ball Run (20/14)

Directly into:

The Battle:


Thrusters (45/35)

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (45/35)

Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Ball Slams (40/30)


Plunder and Escape:

100m “Loot Carry”

1000m row

35 Minute Time-Cap
“Loot Carry”: Grab any weighted implement (KB/DB/plate/barbell/etc) and run/walk with it. Can be repeated as many times as you want. You cannot grab someone else’s “Loot” or an implement in use.

Score is total poundage of “Loot” carried away.

If you do not finish the final row before the time cap, you are “captured,” your “Loot” is lost, and it will not count towards your team score.

RX+: Wear a weight vest. You are a Jarl with a mail shirt. You may add the weight of your vest to each “Loot Carry.”