

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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7 Way Hips (No Measure)

15 reps of each movement on 1 leg then repeat for the other leg:

All movements are laying on your side on the floor. Ensure your lower back is not moving – shorten the movement if you have to

1. Leg Lifts

2. Forward leg swing

3. Backward leg swing

4. Full leg swing (forward to back)

5. Forward circles

6. Backward circles

7. Bicycles

A1: Weight Plate Hip Thrusts (3 x 10 @22X2)

A2: Hip Extensions (No Measure)

3 x10 @21X2


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In 20 min:

At the top of every 5th minute you start from the top

Run 1 Lap

10 Burpees

100 Ft Lunge

10 Burpees

if you finish early you get to rest if you don’t, start over at the top


At the top of every 4th minute start from the top