CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Midline (No Measure)
tabata Side planks 4 sets each side – do not alternate
Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 85%)
BWB Cardio
Row 600 Meter Time Trial (Time)
As hard as possible
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner wod – AMRAP 20 min
Partner 1 will begin rowing
Partner 2 will start with a 30 second KB Tailpipe wall sit then do 10 Alternating front rack lunges then 15 wall balls
once partner 2 is done they switch
KBs are not allowed to rest on top or to the side of the shoulder
Score is total number of calories + wall balls
RX: KB weight is 35/25; Wall ball is 20/14 to 10 foot line
RX+: KB Weight is 55/35 Wall is 30/20 to 10 foot line