
CrossFit – Mon, Jun 12


Nutrition seminar part 2! Saturday 6/24 after class. Bring food or $15 to participate. Let Coach Jaime know what option you are doing

Everyday Warrior Warriorthon July 1-2. 26 hour race. A warrior is honored every hour by participants running 1 mile on the hour.

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Week2: Deficit Deadlift (4×3)

Increase from last week.

Week2: Deadlift (5×4)

Increase weight from deficit deads.

Airforce (Time)

20 Thrusters (95/65)


20 Push Jerks

20 OHS

20 Frontsquats

*At the top of every minute, you must complete 4 burpees. Including 1st minute.

20 minute cap

45 North at Home (Checkmark)

For Time:

20 DB Thrusters

20 DB Power Clean

20 DB Push Jerks

20 DB Front squats

20 DB Weighted lunges

*At the top of each minute, complete 4 Burpees. 20 min cap.