

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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A1: Tempo Bench Press (4 sets x 6 reps at 65%)

At tempo: 51X1

A2: Eccentric Chest to Bar (5 reps each set)

jump up as high as possible and slowly lower down

could use a very light band to accomplish this as well to scale (or ask coach for other scaling options. indicate in notes which you did

weight to record is 0

Midline (No Measure)

Tabata Ring Supports – 8 rounds


Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds

Lateral Hurdle Hops Over all of the Paralletes

sprint door to door

5 Strict HSPU

3 Bar MU

rest 30 seconds

4 rounds hop laterally to the right; 4 rounds hop laterally to the left

Scale for GHDS: 15 situps; 8 jumping air squats

line up parallettes in a straight line close enough can jump laterally – one line only, one person start after the one ahead has jumped 3 or 4 of the paralletes