CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
A1: Max Strict C2B or regular strict pull ups
A2:Strict HSPU work **See below**
3 sets of 10 seated DB presses. Then 2 wall walks or or 10-15 scaled strict HSPU broken up across 5 sets. or 15-20 strict HSPU broken up across 5 sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
21 Min EMOM
Increase weight on the 2, 4th and 6th set
Min 1: 20 seconds max power cleans
Min 2: 20 seconds max Push Jerks
Min 3: 20 seconds max PC and PJ
Can’t drop the bar to consider it RX
record weights in comments
Post wod Mobility
sleeper stretch