CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
16 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 10 x Thrusters 95/65
Min 2: 12 x Burpee over Bar
Min 3: 14 x KB Swings 55/35
Min 4: Row Calories 15/12
16 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 10 x Thrusters 135/95
Min 2: 12 x Burpee over Bar
Min 3: 14 x KB Swings 55/35
Min 4: Row Calories 15/12
Pause Backsquat (see comment)
Pause Backsquat:
Set 1 and 2 : 10 second pause – very light x 3 reps
Set 3 and 4 : 3 second pause x 3 reps at 80 to 85%
Set 5 and 6: 3 second pause x 1 rep at 90%
Post wod Mobility
banded shoulder stretch
childs pose