CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
A. : Snatch Balance + Tempo OHS (1+3 x 3 )
Snatch Balance: Start with your feet in the pulling position. Dip and drive at the knees to unload the bar momentarily, and transition the feet to the receiving position while driving yourself into the bottom of an overhead squat.
Tempo OHS. (Tempo OHS: take 3 seconds to lower yourself, stay in the bottom for 3 seconds, then explode up)
Build each set;
B.: Overhead Squat (Find 1 RM OHS in 6 attempts)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In 8 minutes, get as many reps as possible.
21 OHS (95/65)
30 DU’s
15 OHS (115/85)
30 DU’s
9 OHS (135/105)
30 DU’s
9 OHS (135/105)
30 DU’s
15 OHS (115/85)
30 DU’s
21 OHS (95/65)
* If time allows, complete max reps at ending weight.
Cash out:
40 Burpees to target
Post wod Mobility
doorway stretch
prayer stretch
floor herkie