CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
A1: Single Leg Deadlift (10 reps 3 sets per leg)
Use Kettlebell in opposite hand, keep unweighted leg straight
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
From Min 0 to 4
Row 500 Meters AFAP
Min 4 to 6 rest
Min 6 to 10
8 Rounds Tabata
kb sumo deadlift high pull 55/35
Min 10 to 14
Row 500 Meters AFAP
Min 14 to 16 rest
Min 16 to 20
Tabata KB Thrusters (alternate arms each round) – 55/35
Cash out: 1000 meter row not part of time
Post wod Mobility
psoas against the rig
banded shoulder stretch