

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

A1: Bench Press (5-5-5-5-5; start at 65% and build last set max rep)

A2: Single Leg Deadlift (12 reps x 2 sets each leg @21X1)

Use Kettlebell in opposite hand, keep unweighted leg straight
alternate legs, 2 sets per leg

B: Bench Press (max reps at 50% in 2 minutes)

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of each movement with 40 DU in between each

Double Unders

Chest to bar Pullups – scale with

pullups or ring rows

Double Unders

Box Jumps

Double Unders

Pushups (scale with incline pushups)

Cashout: 20 Ring Dips/Dips

Post wod Mobility

Cats and cows

Lacrosse ball on shoulders/traps

doorway stretch