CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Everyday Warrior Battle Series 2015 WOD 4 (AMRAP – Reps)
7 Minute AMRAP: Increasing Reps
2 RX Ground to Overhead (RX: 115/75)(Masters, Scaled, Teen: 85/55)
4 RX Alternating Pistols (Masters, Scaled: Wall Balls 20/14)(Teens: Wall Balls 14/10)
4 G2OH
Reps for each movement will continue to double as you progress through each round. Ground to overhead may be performed any way — snatch or clean and jerk, press, or push press. In place of pistols, masters, scaled and teen division will perform wall balls — RX athletes must perform alternating pistols.
Score is total reps.
Clean and Jerk (EMOM build for 10 minutes )
this is after the work out
Snatch (EMOM build for 10 minutes)
this is after the work out – pick either snatch or clean and jerk
Post wod Mobility
prayer stretch
childs pose