

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Everyday Warrior Battle Series 2015 WOD 1 (AMRAP – Reps)

Workout #1

1a. 3 Min. AMRAP

Bar-facing Burpees

1b. 12 Min.

Find max C&J


This workout is performed with a 15-minute running clock. Athletes will use the first 3 minutes to perform bar-facing burpees, then have 12 minutes to establish a 1-rep max clean & jerk. Athletes in the RX division must jump over the bar with both feet at the same time when performing bar-facing burpees, all other divisions may perform step-overs. Your first clean & jerk attempt must be loaded on the bar prior to beginning the workout.

Score will be the combined total of burpees performed and max clean & jerk weight.

Post wod Mobility


Psoas against the rig