
CrossFit – Thu, Mar 2


45N Barbell Club returns Friday 3/10! 4:30-6p$100 for non-members and punch cards! Ask a coach for more details

Open Week 3 Theme: Hawaiian!! Aloha!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Goat Day (Checkmark)

Alternating between 2 Goat movements for 20 minutes:
**Option 1:
Odd Min: 30 secs DU practice
Even Min: 3-6 HSPU’s
**Opt 2:
Odd:1-2 MU’s
Even: 30 secs HS Walk
**Opt 3:
Odd: 5 Power Snatches 40-50%
Even: 2-6 linked T2B
**Opt 4:
Odd: 45 Secs Bike
Even: Work on Kipping pull up
**Opt 5:
Odd: 10-12 Cal Row
Even: 10-12 Burpees

**These are all just to give you ideas. You can do a combination of any two movements, even ones that aren’t listed. Think of these goat days as an opportunity to just dial in technique. That is something that is hard to do mid wod. Have fun with it!

45 North at Home (Checkmark)


400m Run

30 Alternating Step Ups